
I Got You

We just got back from a little trip to Virginia to see my sister get married. We had a wonderful time with family, though it seemed like we were only together for a quick moment. More updates on the wedding festivities later.

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As we were on the last leg of trip there, I was holding a sleeping Holly and JD had his death grip on Jim, I heard JD say “whoa.” To which Jim responded with his loving, “I got you.” As I saw Jim wrap his arms around JD’s little body, I couldn’t help but think about how there are times in our lives when we hit a little turbulence or things get a little bumpy and scary and our reaction is a scared ‘whoa’ and how we have a loving Heavenly Father who is there to say ‘I got you’ through it all. I’m thankful for that!

3 replies on “I Got You”

Thanks for inspiring me tonight.
Aren’t kids amazing?
I’m so grateful for their trust, innocence and pure faith. I learn so much from these sweet little spirits.
Miss you all the time friend!

I fly every week and still say whoa on most of my flights

Hang on to your mom and dad JD!

I know you wrote this post a while ago, but I just had the chance to read it….wow! Once again I am sitting here balling my eyes out!! You see things in a perspective that is very refreshing. Thankful to my Heavenly Father that I have people like you in my life to learn from everyday.