Holly Mae Hop-twins JD

We Love Visitors

Especially when our visitors come from Virginia and their names are Grandma and OGO Raab! I wanted to have a list of things to do and make dinner every night that my parents were here. That didn’t quite happen because we got sick and well I am just a little too lazy to cook dinner. Plus it was hot and the list could go on. We still had lots of fun together and the week just went by way too quickly.

The weekend before my parents came Holly was sick one night and into the morning. I thought it was food poisoning and was blaming myself for giving her a “bad” hot dog. Turns out it was the stomach flu and JD and I both got sick. I suppose it was a good day to be sick because it was extremely hot out and it was a nice low key day. We played outside a lot and OGO entertained Holly by wearing their clothes on his head and playing lots of Memory.

We were feeling much better the next day so we ventured out and gave Pixie Playland a try. Not really worth the money. We were in and out in about 45 min. Maybe shorter. We rode the merry-go-round and started off with some tears. JD loved it but wasn’t so sure at first, causing the operator dude to question why I was making him ride it. He was fine and Holly loved it. Their favorite was the cars that go around a track. I think JD just liked it because he got to turn the steering wheel.

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By the end of the week it got cool but that didn’t stop us from going to Half Moon Bay for a beach outing. We first stopped on Treasure Island for a quick diaper change and photo op. Mostly for the diaper change, I couldn’t resist getting out the camera too. Jim had fun reminiscing about his childhood and the kids had fun playing in the sand for a bit and seeing the boats. We ended our day with a trip to Ikea and an ice cream for the ride home.

It was sad to see them leave and didn’t want it to end. It was nice to have them here for church and to have my mom listen to me give my lesson in Relief Society. The day after they left JD and Holly were asking for them. So happy we have FaceTime!

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