
19 Week Ultrasound

Jim and I went in for our anatomy ultrasound to make sure everything was measuring correctly with the Hoptwins. It was a good thing I didn’t have to go in with a full bladder because I was on the ultrasound table for an hour and a half! We were able to hear the heartbeats for the first time so that was nice too. After the technician did his thing the young doctor came in and before he did what seemed like the same thing the technician just spent an hour doing, we talked about a bunch of testing that they recommend. Since we did PGD I felt like everything he was talking about was irrelevant to us. Well he proceeded and proceeded about amniocentesis and talking to their genetic counselor about ruling it out and having the test done to make sure PGD was correct. Whatever dude, we aren’t doing it. Needless to say, he was annoying. We got some pretty cool pictures out of the whole experience though. We go back every month to make sure things look good (which the doctor reminded us twice about…can you tell he was annoying?)  They are both measuring as they should with JD measuring a tad bigger.


JD – Twin A

At one point JD was making fists like he was ready to box his lil sis or something. To get JD to move and so he could see feet and hands the technician would shake the wand on my belly and sure enough he would move. By the end he was face down and didn’t want to be bothered anymore!


Holly – Twin B

Holly was more photogenic and the more active one. At one point the technician was getting a little frustrated because he couldn’t get a good view of her heart because she was moving so much.


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Holly’s Profile

After getting this profile picture of Holly  the technician went to see about getting a profile picture of JD but he was butt up.


It’s a Boy!


It’s a Girl!

Sorry Doug, no surprises, we’re still having a boy and a girl. I can’t believe how fast they are growing. They are each 10oz each. I know we have a ways to go with the Hoptwins and my belly getting bigger.

5 replies on “19 Week Ultrasound”

I am glad that everything looks good. Those last few pictures are a little graphic though:)Those poor babies already have their business on the internet.

I have been to overcome with emotion to have commented before now. What can I say….I cannot wait until I can hold them. Until then shopping for baby clothes helps. Love to you both.