
A New Home

So we made it home, spent the night, and things are starting to calm down. Though the night was a little rough, it was much better than having to do it in a hospital…especially for me. We got the most sleep laying in bed with both twins conked out in between. Liz is pretty tuckered still, but is becoming a pro at nursing, and loves to hold the babies close to her. For those that asked and didn’t hear the details yet, Holly Mae was born Monday, May 18th at 5:17pm and weighed 6lbs, 3oz. She’s 17.5 inches tall (I’ve been reminded to not forget the half inch). JD was guided down right after at 5:19pm and weighed 7lbs, 5oz. He’s a bit taller too at 19 inches. We were pretty surprised at the discrepancy in size, especially since we had been told that JD’s umbilical cord wasn’t inserted directly into the placenta. And, throughout the pregnancy, they were estimated at the same size. Here are some photos we took before and after the trip home yesterday:

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As for the whole “story”… They called and asked us to come in Sunday night (which was kind of a surprise since we had been scheduled for Monday morning). They got Liz ready and hooked up to monitors, which they had to adjust quite often in the night to make sure they were getting separate heart beats. She endured some pain that night, but made good progress. They started her on pitocin in the morning, and grandmas came back after getting some rest and the waiting began. Our nurse Martha was great. She had a student with her, and explained a lot and was very attentive. We bonded, and it was a good thing too. At around 3:30pm they prepared Liz to go into the Operating Room to start pushing (standard procedure for twins in case there are any emergencies). It was hectic because a few of the other patients started needing attention at exactly the same time. There was an emergency case that required a lot of the doctor’s and nurses’ attention. So ultimately we were left with Martha, Grandma Raab, and me, with Liz ready to get down to business. Things were hectic and nurses and doctors came in occasionally before leaving us alone again. Meanwhile, Liz was pushing liking a champ and making a lot of progress. She got to the point were Holly was pretty much ready to arrive, but the doctor was still attending to the emergency case. Martha was quite nervous, and so were we. Liz had to end up breathing through several late contractions where she really wanted to push, but there was no one there to deliver the babies. Martha was confident she could handle Holly, but wasn’t so sure about getting JD out the right way. Luckily, after stalling at the most inopportune time, our perinatal doctor happened to stop by and was asked to pitch in. She got Holly out after a little pushing, and we were exstatic, but pretty quick JD was on his way. Liz pushed a couple more time with the doctor guiding, and JD was born big and tall. Liz was relieved, and we were very grateful there were no emergencies, and that everything worked out great. Our doctor came by towards the end and said, “Aww, you guys didn’t even need me…” It makes for a fun memory, and Liz was grateful to have Grandma Raab there on our team. I made it through without passing out, so I was pretty proud of that. Grandma Hopkins, meanwhile was sweating it out in the recovery room, and imagining all kinds of things, while one of the patients delivering in another room at the time let out several blood curdling screams we could hear in the OR (yeah, that didn’t help either). The twins were given a clean bill of health at every step, and are home and getting used to life. We love them a ton and can’t imagine the awesome adventures we’ll have. We appreciate all the loving comments and well-wishes, and are so grateful we have so many people who care about us and want to share in our miracle. We’ll try to keep you as updated as possible. Maybe we’ll get Liz a second to blog in near future too.

10 replies on “A New Home”

I am so glad everything went so well. I can’t believe they are here. Thank you both for keeping us all in the loop it is like a real life baby story on Lifetime! I am sure it was an amazing experience. Now the rewarding fun happens. Congratulations, you are going to be the best parents ever, Holly and JD are pretty dang lucky!

great story! thanks for all of the stats too. they were both good size for twins (and they’re both just sooo beautiful)!!! congratulations and, GOOD LUCK!

Thanks so much for sharing. Just so you know, the nurses usually do most of the work. The MD only shows at the end to make sure we did our job right!!! You will never forget Martha and make sure you write a thank you to the hospital to let them know that she was AWESOME!!!

As for me and my house, Congrats! Can’t wait to see them. It may be sooner than later–I hope.

Love you guys–rest when you can because those adventures will last a lifetime.

Wow, good job Liz! I bet your recovery will be way faster than mine (C section). I was down for 6 weeks.
Give it a month or so, things will settle down and you’ll get a routine going. Hopefully these little ones will be good sleepers.
It’s such a blessing to have healthy twins!

Congrats! I just heard the news on Friday. Grandpa Dave didn’t get the word out to his only sister very well. I had to get it from Uncle Jim. Anyway, they are too cute and Liz, you are amazing! That was 14 lbs. of babies. I am so happy they were so big and healthy. I will be looking for updates.