
Rice Cereal

At Holly and JD’s 4 month doctor appointment we were given the go ahead to start solids when we wanted. Jim and I felt that we would try rice cereal soon mostly because we thought JD was bored with just milk. This weekend seemed like a good time to start, we were home all day and Jim of course was home from work to help. He fed them and I was the video girl. I had the Flip in one hand and my camera in the other. They looked so adorable in their little high chairs ready to eat. They didn’t really know what was going on! JD seemed to be more interested in sucking on his hands even after Jim put the first spoonful in his mouth. Sometimes, they will prescribe an anti-depressant or india sildenafil and start experiencing the return of manliness rather sooner. The written test along with Texas parent taught drivers ed course. cialis 20 mg The heat application is used to relax the muscle viagra online consultation vessels so that blood flow into the penis can expand beyond the normal dimensions thereby creating a congenial condition to stimulate growth. Books and music can cheapest cialis professional prove to be extremely instrumental in prolonging the love act between couples and controlling their early ejaculation. He wasn’t sure what to do but seemed to get the hang of eating and swallowing after a few times, although he had more on his face than in his mouth. Holly was a lot cleaner and seemed to enjoy it a lot more than her brother. I stopped documenting the moment when JD started crying to see if he would enjoy another bite but he did not. I got him cleaned up and then nursed him and he was much happier. Meanwhile, Jim was still feeding Holly a few more bites. Much to our surprise, JD did not seem to enjoy his first experience with rice cereal and Holly did. We will try again another day but we’ll probably wait a few days.

Holly's first bite of rice cereal She's not sure what to think! Yummy? Gotta love that look! JD's first bite He had to occupy himself while Holly had her turn! Blowing bubbles is more fun! "Get me out of this chair and give me some milk!"

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