
Hop-twins 10 weeks

We went to our first doctor’s appointment away from the science center which went well. The doctor did another ultrasound to see for herself how the twinners were doing. They are growing right on track and look great. It took a while to measure one of them because she (Jim thinks it was Holly being so active) was moving around so much. Jim thinks JD is the more relaxed and chill baby. We shall see. We don’t have to do any prenatal testing, which we figured, but will go in for routine ultrasounds monthly to make sure they’re still doing good. It is related to the iatrogenic factors, such as excessive examination and treatment, misdiagnosis and mistreatment, exaggerated prevalence rate and severity of the disease through television advertising, etc. viagra generika Among the remedies, Big B-36 capsules and Big B-36 levitra prices oil are the very effective to fix the problem that it will never return to men to spoil their sexual moments. In the primary stage the physician found dictating 50mg price for viagra 100mg to sufferers of impotence. Follow the remedy method viagra 100mg generika as indicated, and maintain healthy diet. The one thing that caught us by surprise was when the doctor said she recommended her patients who are having more than one to quit working at 24 weeks. We will see about that! I will just have to take it easy and ask for help more often. If all else fails I can use the electric wheelchair at work and give tours that way! The ultrasound pics from the Science Center were much better so sorry if you feel you are looking at blur. We did see the little heartbeats, which was exciting! They measure at 32 mm or almost 1.5 in. I get asked a lot at work how I am feeling and it is nice to say that I have only had two mornings of sickness! Lucky I know, the doctor even thought that was pretty amazing. I have to eat about every hour and a half otherwise I do start feeling queasy. I need to figure out something to bring to church with me too because 3 hours is just way to long! I have had to wake up a few times in the middle of the night to eat too.

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3 replies on “Hop-twins 10 weeks”

I had to bring a full on meal with me to church each week too. Luckily, Shane was the ward clerk and I just sat and ate it in the clerk’s office during sunday school.
You are SO lucky about the sickness. I had m/s so bad, and I was still taking my zofran the night before my c section!!
Liz, having twins is so awesome. It’s hard, but it’s also such a special experience. You’re going to love it.