

I love the Instagram app on my iPhone. It changes how I feel about some of the silly pictures I’ve taken and with the filters it transforms them into some fun pictures. So I thought I’d share a few…

Lanette found Jim’s old Superman cape and was excited to show it to JD. It fits him perfectly. I think he wore it all night that night!

In the Streets of Brentwood we found a fountain to cool off in while Grandma shopped. Is this illegal? The kids had fun. and we only dipped our feet in.

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Holly and JD have graduated from using their high chair trays to sitting at the table like big kids. This one particular night I was asking Holly and JD what new jammies they wanted to wear. JD said,”Buzz and Woody.” then he turned to Holly and asked her if she wanted to wear Belle. She was busy eating and so he said. “look at me Holly, you want Belle?” So then I secretly recorded their dinner conversation with my phone that night. I love that they are talking to each other more now.

Every morning I try to go for a walk with the kids. So when Cate is off work we meet her at Newhall park for a nice half hour walk. The kids are typically good in the stroller but sometimes get a little restless. This time I brought some old bread and we fed the ducks right by the pond. They were literally eating out of our hands. JD learned that you don’t hold on to the bread for too long otherwise you will have a very pushy ducky. Holly was not afraid to get up close and personal.

I love this time of year. Fall air blowing in and football season. Which means BYU is going to be on our tv every Saturday. With a close game like the Ole Miss game was, it’s going to be a nerve racking yet exciting year. Especially since Holly and JD can cheer on the cougars now. And Blue and White are great colors on anyone!

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