I am finding more and more each day that the college life is a life full of variables. I could be busy tomorrow and have no idea today what I will be doing. For example, the last three days have been incredibly hectic with tests that were announced two days before and quizzes and projects.
Then, there is the disorganization that comes with having a major calling in a student ward. Nobody really knows what is going on in the ward and the only time we figure it out is on Sunday when the bishop has time to talk and explain himself.
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It is good to know that after it all I can slide away and the square piece of plastic, strategically placed in the front room, is there for me. It doesn’t deceive and doesn’t give you the wrong impression. It may fool you but it only does it to make you stronger. Clearly labeled as the PLAYSTATION, my time with it makes everything else disappear. The soothing voice of John Madden and Al Michaels giving me the type of self esteem reassurance that inspires the greatest titans and gladiators of this generation. Or I can go international and battle in the stadiums of Argentina, Spain and many foreign countries just to play a quick friendly game of futbol. Could there be a better vacation than what I find in the solice of my home. So here’s to you Sony! Thank you for your brilliant relentlessness in finding a way to entertain the masses and more specifically Doug Hopkins of Rexburg, Idaho.
One reply on “My Getaway”
Dougy – all those years of not letting you play video games. Of taking the cord away and hiding it and then forgettin where I hid it only to find it in some obscure corner of some obscure filing cabinet just in time for the Christmas vacation. I wonder if Madden would hold it’s magic if you had played to the max in your childhood days. What I’m really saying is that you owe your joy in this happy escape to your loving mother and her forgetfullness. I’m just happy I could be of some assistance – no thanks are necessary – just seeing you looking so studious and reading a book (in the attached photo) fills my heart with joy.
Actually now that I think of it – you’d probably all be in prison for assault and battery of your brothers if I hadn’t stepped in and ripped the controllers from your trembling grip……again it’s just in the job description – no praise is expected!